Spell It
Published on 2023-01-26
Play the game and read the GDD on Itch.io
- Alphabetical letters on your keyboard
How to play
- You'll face encounters with various numbers of enemies, in turn-based sequences
- Pick a spell on your spellbook on the left, and type it when it's your turn to act
- Once all enemies are defeated, you can automatically go to the next fight
- Keep in mind that you have a spell raising your shield, healing you, and dealing damage in two ways: mono target and multi target...
- ...And that mono target spells always affect the left-most creature :)
I created this prototype for the Pirate Software 11th Game Jam organized by Thor during January 2023. The event was a 2 weeks game jam including the elaboration of a game design document, and the development of the game itself. To participate, you had to make assets on your own without any use of licensed material or AI generated content.
Since this was my first jam, I joined solo to see how far I would go. I initially planned to implement Speech-To-Text with CoquiSTT (and even full first person dungeon crawler mechanics), but finally reduced the scope of the project to a text-based MVP.
The theme was "Unusual Magic" :) So I started drafting a document to think how this could be interpreted, with the following question in mind: What's a usual way of representing magic in fictions? And after a few ideas, I was excited about the idea of using voice recognition for throwing spells.
Those items are on my To-Do list:
- Adding sounds :)
- Testing Speech-To-Text with CoquiSTT and a custom trained model
- Adding ambient samples or MIDI tracks (once I have learned how to make basic and decent soundtracks)
- Going 3D for the Scene Rendering
- Add low poly 3D models
- Rewrite with Bevy
- Add a Speed spell
- Adding better AI, with monster Spells, charged attacks, moves and buffs
- 2023-01-26: Initial Itch.io release
- Turn-based combats with sequences based on entities speed
- List of stages featuring a various number of enemies
- Very Basic AI (creatures always do a simple attack)
Source code is available on Github